Natasha Panina
The bird
The bird did flying in the blue sky. She was flying over the mountain.
- Hello the bird, – said the mountain.
- Hello the mountain, - said the bird.
- Sit on me please, - ask the mountain.
- With pleasure! – agreed the bird.
- It’s boring day today. Can you sing? – ask the mountain.
- Yes sure. Would you like to listen?
And the bird piped the very good song for the mountain. It was so beautifully that the sun looked out the clouds. It was so good that the flowers stretched to the sun.
- Your song was so good! – said the mountain.
The next day the bird landed again to the mountain.
- Hello the mountain, - said the bird. But the mountain kept the silence.
- MOUNTAIN! – screamed the bird. But it’s had no answer from the mountain.
The bird began to knock with her beak on the mountain. No answer.
- Hey, the mountain you need to listen my song again today! You did like it yesterday! And I wish to sing for you again! – The bird continued to knock with her beak.
- Why you are knocking me? – asked the mountain. – I don’t like it.
- Because you must to listen my song! I wish to sing!
- No the bird I don’t must to anybody. Spatially you! I liked much your song yesterday. Thank you very much for it. But I need to silence today.
- You can’t to do like this with me! I wish to sing so much! Why you don’t regret me, and aren’t wish listening my song! I liked to sing for you!
- Hey, the bird! I AM THE MOUNTAIN! Do you know what does it mean? I am here from beginning of the world! And you just little bird who have your short life. Why you think that I need to listen to you?
- You are not good mountain! You are not thinking about the little birds like me! You need to be more kind. You are standing here and not understand that little bird wish that you listen her song!
- The bird. You had good song for me. But it’s not the reason that you teach me! You don’t know the mountain! And your song don’t give you the right to discuss me!
- Please just listen to me! Please! – ask the bird.
But the mountain is tiered and opened the volcano. The little bird in one moment fired in the lava.
From this time no one birds never sit and sing in the mountain again.
2008 г.